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Outsourcing call center for New Jersey

0,00 грн.

Organization of a call center for outsourcing different kind of support questions in the state of New Jersey Trenton. But, moreover, for also other cities. Just place an order for free, and a personal manager will contact you so you would advised for the best price for services. The thing is that we are working in a different country for you, where price for such services is much cheaper. Hurry up and start cooperating with us! Or email [email protected].

Open call center

Each business is looking for the best ways to solve its day-to-day tasks that in its turn will increase profits. If you decide to create professional technical support team, or an outsourced call center for business in New Jersey, then we offer you to get in touch with a company from Ukraine who is specializing in such sphere. Considerably qualified techy employees, at a lower price, will significantly reduce your costs spent on in-house team and increase profits accordingly.

What we offer for your business:

— Creating from scratch a call center to outsource services for businesses in New Jersey, or also expanding your technical support if such is needed;

— Time saved and financial costs are reduced cause everything is done remotely by outsourced team;

— A complete understanding of your customer needs;

— Multilingual support while working with your client;

— Full integration with your business processes;

— Detailed reports  of how we are working with your clients (weekly/monthly);

— Continuous improvements of the services cause we are training and learning on a daily basis;

— Work under your specific needs;

— Online support 24/7, or under already agreed schedule;

— Agreement would be signed under International Law ();

— Understanding your business processes from the inside and targeting to a long-term cooperation.

Outsourced technical support

Technical support and customer services can be provided via next channels:

— Incoming/ Outgoing calls;

— Email support;

— Online-chat;

— Messengers, such as: Viber, TikTok, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, DUO, WeChat, and others;

— Of course we provide support via Social networks, like: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Google, and others.

Support Tech Outsourcing

Efficient outsourcing call center in the Ukraine for New Jersey.

All calculations based on the average market price for such services in specific region.

Using an up-and-running

in-house support team

Building a remote team in

Kyiv, Ukraine

Outsourcing to






Support agent (x10)$20,800$8,000$10,000
Head of the office$1,300
HR manager$700
Office manager$500
System administrator$500
Accountant + Cleaning$600
100 mІ



Rent + Utilities$1,440
Primary + Backup ISP$200
Office supplies$1,000


ServicesReal estate agent service$600
Security deposit (rent)+Legal


EquipmentDual monitor PC, table, chair,

software, headset | (x14)

Keyboard, mouse | (x14),



Tech Support Outsourcing:

LocationKyiv, Ukraine
24/7 Personal ManagerYes
Working ConditionsListed in the Agreement
Minimum Contract SizeDiscussed in an individual manner
Minimum term of ContractStarting from 3month
Working with MNEsYes
Working standardsNDA, DPA, GDPR

What needs to be done to create outsourced technical support:

— Make a request on the site. In the note, indicate your needs and requirements.

— When a personal manager contacts you, answer the questions.

— After receiving the commercial offer from us, make a right decision so you can sign the contract with us.

— We will start immediately after the contract is signed and begin the work process.

Outsourced support

Creating an outsourced call center for New Jersey in Ukraine will significantly improve your business processes and overall can trigger your profit to go up.

technical support

With which States we are still working with:

New YorkWyomingWisconsinWest VirginiaWashington
South DakotaSouth CarolinaRhode IslandPennsylvaniaOregon
OklahomaOhioNorth DakotaAlabamaNorth Carolina
New MexicoNew HampshireNevadaNebraskaMontana
GeorgiaFloridaDistrict of ColumbiaDelawareConnecticut

We are waiting for your request! Contact «UAsupports» and we will be more than happy to answer all needed questions regarding our key area absolutely for free. Hurry up to get the best offer right now!


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