
Воздух – одна из основ жизни на нашей планете. Движение воздуха, а точнее использование кинетической энергии, дало идею человечеству создать ветрогенераторы. В виду постоянного повышения тарифов на традиционную электроэнергию, резко встает вопрос об избегании от навязанной монополии и увеличении доходов. На помощь приходит альтернатива, которая есть всегда, даже в добыче энергии.

В давние времена, наши предки, использовали ветряки как традиционный, а иногда и единственный источник, упрощающий жизнь человека. Ветряные мельницы, на одну из которых отважно мчался Дон Кихот, заменили тяжкий труд и добавили простоты в жизнь. На сейчас, ветрогенератор является наиболее перспективным видом развития альтернативных источников электроэнергии, так как включает в себя ряд преимуществ:

— экономичность и быстрая окупаемость;

— автономность использования и отсутствие зависимости от монополистов рынка энергетики;

— простота эксплуатации;

— абсолютное отсутствие загрязнения окружающей среды.

Мы собрали профессионалов рынка ветрогенераторов, которые подберут под Ваши потребности наиболее оптимальное решение (как для частного использования, так и промышленные), из следующих торговых марок:

DeWindGamesaSiemensREpowerAN Bonus
VestasEnerconTackeGE EnergyNordex

В данном разделе предоставлены как предложения по продаже ветряков, так и услуги по монтажу, установке, настройке, техническому обслуживанию, ремонту, поставке запчастей.

Для того, чтобы купить ветрогенераторы новые, или б/у, добавьте необходимый в корзину, заполнив необходимые поля, с Вами свяжется специалист в данном вопросе, будет озвучена цена, исходя из потребностей, места установки, ну и конечно от пожеланий. Аналогично касается и услуг по обслуживанию. Экономьте и берегите планету вместе с Metra!

Отображение 1–21 из 82

  • Ветрогенератор 1000 кВт б/у

    1000 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1250 кВт б/у

    1250 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1300 кВт б/у

    1300 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1500 кВт б/у

    1500 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1650 кВт б/у

    1650 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1750 кВт б/у

    1750 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1800 кВт б/у

    1800 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 2000 кВт б/у

    2000 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 2300 кВт б/у

    2300 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 2300 кВт

    2300 kW wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 2350 кВт б/у

    2350 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 2500 кВт б/у

    2500 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 3000 кВт б/у

    3000 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 3300 кВт б у

    3300 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 3500 кВт б/у

    3500 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 3600 кВт б/у

    3600 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 3900 кВт б/у

    3900 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 5000 кВт б/у

    5000 kW used wind generator

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1000 кВт

    Wind generator 1000 kW

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1250 кВт

    Wind generator 1250 kW

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
  • Ветрогенератор 1300 кВт

    Wind generator 1300 kW

    0,00 грн.

    Alternative technologies of the future of energy, for objects with medium and large industrial consumption of electricity. In order for a specialist to choose the best option, as well as find out the cost, add a position to the basket and place an order, he will contact you.

    В корзину
1 2 3 4